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86 free buffalo photos from Freerange
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Delicious fried chicken on the plate
Delicious fried chicken and vegetables on the plate
USA Map (East Coast)
Close up of east coast USA Map with names of cities and states
Man Plowing a Field in the Rain
A man is seen plowing a field with a large tractor under heavy rainfall. He is focused on his task, pushing through the wet conditions to cultivate the soil.
Small Herd of Wild Wood Bison in Northern Canada
A small herd of wood bison alongside the alaska highway in Northern British Columbia, Canada.
Large Black Buffalo Standing on Grass-Covered Field
A large black buffalo stands majestically on top of a grass-covered field, with its powerful presence dominating the landscape. The buffalos sturdy legs and thick coat contrast with the lush greenery around it.
Man Standing Next to Water Buffalo
A man standing next to a water buffalo in a field, with both looking towards the camera. The man appears to be observing or interacting with the animal.
Man Plowing Field With Oxen
A man is seen plowing a vast field using a pair of strong oxen. The man is guiding the oxen as they pull a plow through the soil, preparing the land for planting. The scene showcases traditional agricultural practices.
Man Plowing Field With Two Oxen
A man is seen plowing a field with two oxen. The man is guiding the oxen as they pull a plow through the soil, preparing it for planting. The scene depicts traditional agricultural practices using animal power.
A lone bison stands in a pasture full of dry grass.
Herd of Buffalo Grazing on Lush Green Field
A herd of buffalo is peacefully grazing on a lush green field. The majestic animals are calmly feeding on the fresh grass, their powerful presence dominating the landscape.
Large Buffalo Standing in Field of Tall Grass
A large buffalo is standing in a field of tall grass. The buffalo is the central focus, towering over the grass with its strong presence. It seems to be calmly grazing or observing its surroundings in its natural habitat.
Bison Herd Crossing Lush Green Field
A group of bison is walking slowly across a vast, green field. The herd moves together, their strong bodies blending with the vibrant landscape.
Bison Herd Standing Together
A group of bison gathered closely, standing next to each other in a field. The large animals exhibit their mass and unity as they graze and watch over their surroundings.
Large Buffalo Walking Down Road Next to Car
A large buffalo is seen walking down a road next to a car. The buffalo appears to be calm as it strolls alongside the vehicle, showcasing the unique coexistence of wildlife and human infrastructure.
Two Women Standing Next to a Cow in a Field
Two women are standing in a grassy field next to a large cow. One woman is holding a bucket while the other is petting the cow. The women are wearing casual clothing and appear to be interacting with the animal.
Two People Riding on the Back of an Elephant
Two individuals are sitting on the back of a large elephant as it walks along a dirt path. The elephant is carrying them with its trunk raised high in the air.
A woman holding a burger
A hungry woman enjoys a mouth-watering american buffalo burger with melted cheese, savoring every bite of the savory patty on a fluffy bun as she indulges in a delicious fast food treat
Buffalo face
A close up of a buffalo's face; his horn and fur is caked in mud.
Man and Woman Standing Next to Buffalo
A man and a woman are standing next to a buffalo in a field. The man is wearing a blue shirt and jeans while the woman is in a red dress. They appear to be observing the buffalo in its natural habitat.
Man Plowing Field With Two Oxen
A man is using two oxen to plow a field. The man is standing behind the oxen, guiding them with a plow to till the soil. The oxen are harnessed together and work in unison to break the ground for planting.
Grazing Water Buffallo in Cambodia
Grazing Water Buffallo in Cambodia
Herd of Buffalo Grazing in Grassy Field
A large group of buffalo are feeding on the lush grass in a vast field. The powerful animals are peacefully moving about, occasionally lifting their heads to scan their surroundings.
Two Women Standing Next to a Cow
Two women are standing next to a spotted cow in a field. They are both looking at the cow with interest, one woman is wearing a striped shirt and the other is in a floral dress.
Women Standing Next to Bull in Field
Two women are standing next to a bull in a field. They appear calm and observant, with the bull looking content and grazing peacefully in the background.
Buffalo at Antelope Island State Park
Buffalo at Antelope Island State Park in Great Salt Lake, Utah
One Bison in the meadow
Bison Walking Across Snow Covered Field
A bison is steadily walking across a vast field blanketed in snow. Its powerful hooves leave deep imprints in the white snow as it moves forward through the cold landscape.
Dramatic clouds over lush greenery
Dark, stormy clouds loom above a dense thicket of vibrant green grass and foliage
Rainbow River Niagara
A rainbow created by the mist rolling from Niagara Falls in New York. The Rainbow ends right on top of a group of tourists.
Herd of Buffalo Grazing on Dry Grass Field
A group of buffalo are spotted grazing on a vast, dry grass field under the bright sunlight. The buffalo are peacefully feeding on the dry grass as they move across the field.
Bison Grazing on Grass in Zoo Enclosure
A bison is pictured munching on grass inside a zoo enclosure. The massive mammal is surrounded by metal fencing as it leisurely feeds on the green vegetation.
Buffalo skull
Close up of Buffalo skull on red wooden wall of a building
Bison Walking Through Snow Covered Forest
A bison is walking through a snow-covered forest, its thick fur providing insulation against the cold. The majestic animal moves deliberately through the white landscape, leaving footprints in the powdery snow.
Bison Herd Standing on Snowy Hillside
A large herd of bison is standing on top of a hill covered in snow. The bison are all facing the same direction, with some grazing on patches of exposed grass. The snow-covered landscape stretches out behind them.
Bison Standing in Field by River
A bison stands majestically in a grassy field next to a flowing river, with its large body and shaggy fur visible against the natural backdrop. The bison seems at ease in its surroundings, grounding itself in the landscape.
Bison Close Up in Snow
A close up view of a bison standing in the snow, showcasing its thick fur and powerful build. The bisons dark coat contrasts with the white snow, emphasizing its rugged appearance in its natural habitat.
Indian street
A buffalo on the streets of Agra, India.
Bison in the wild
Niagara Falls & Buffalo
Pictures from Niagara Falls, Canada and Buffalo, New York
Niagara Falls & Buffalo
Pictures from Niagara Falls, Canada and Buffalo, New York
Buffalo in a mud
Group of Buffalo relaxing in mud
Woman Riding on the Back of an Animal
A woman is sitting on the back of a large animal, holding onto its fur as it moves forward. Both the woman and the animal seem focused and determined as they travel together.
Crispy fried cheese balls with sauce on white plate
A plate of golden, crispy fried cheese balls served with a dipping sauce alongside crumbled cheese garnished with a flower, creating a visually appetizing dish.
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls late in the day as seen from the observation deck above the American Maid of the Mist launch site.
Two Bison and Autumn
Two bison are grazing on grass during autumn
A bison grazing in the grass
A majestic bison roams freely in a snowy field, its snout grazing the ground as it embodies the raw beauty of the wild
Bison grazing
A herd of bison are grazing on a flat grassy plain.
A Bison stands in a dry field.
Close Up of a Hippopotamuss Face
A detailed view of a hippopotamuss face, showcasing its large nostrils, thick skin, and wide-set eyes. The hippos mouth is slightly open, revealing its powerful jaws and teeth.
Gathering Herd of Buffalo
A heard of buffalo in Grand Teton National Park.
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