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Red Candle Burning in Black Background

A red candle is shown burning brightly against a stark black background. The flame flickers as the wax melts slowly, casting a warm glow in the darkness.

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roy cohen said:
wonderfull. i will use it for a message of light over darkness :)
2014-10-24 01:01
ncaseleng said:
Thanks! I'm thinking of using this in a montage for a family Diwali card (Hindu Fesitival of Light)
2014-10-19 11:46
Amberle said:
Beautiful clarity and lighting
2014-02-23 21:03
Mike Clary said:
will use it for seasonal message of peace. Thank you for helping to make it so.
2012-12-08 09:34
kevandnats said:
2012-04-14 09:38
is it sitting on flower or is that some sort of wax base? Cool!
2012-03-15 18:20
Thanks! Using to advertise a gathering.
2012-02-21 12:38
Raven Hawk said:
thank you
2011-07-29 17:59
Striking contrast with red candle and background.
2011-02-11 21:30
Love this beautiful photo - perfect fro my November column re: 'Sect in the City: San Francisco Churches' Thank you Page Larkin
2010-11-22 17:23

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